In your work as a professional advisor, you value professionalism, integrity, and honesty; taking the utmost care when serving your clients. As a nonprofit organization, we share your values and take the same care when it comes to helping our donors plan charitable gifts. Our gift planners are well trained and skilled in the application of all vehicles used in strategic philanthropy. You are welcome to call anytime to discuss your client’s intentions.Please use our legacy website as you help your clients with their charitable plans, and feel free to contact Debbie McCullough, Vice President of Planned Giving, at or 833-904-4483 x 4922 if you have any questions.
Outcomes Your Clients Make Possible
Women’s Savings and Loans Groups
We believe in change that lasts. And that comes from farmers having control over their resources and the information and expertise to make decisions themselves.
Heifer invests alongside farmers and other partners, building sustainable businesses and inclusive markets that enable farmers to earn a living income.
How it Works
Working capital is vital to any business – especially farming, where the costs of land, livestock and farm equipment can be significant.
Each self-help group sets up a central fund from which members can borrow money to grow their businesses. Groups are usually women-led, and the majority of membership is comprised of women.
They then lend that money to one another to help members meet immediate and long-term needs. While Heifer provides trainings, the groups themselves are self-led, with members setting goals together as they hold each other accountable and build trust amongst themselves.
Every time their group meets, members deposit an agreed upon amount with the group’s treasurer. As the savings build, members borrow money from the fund, using it to scale up their business, start a new venture, or cover the cost of an emergency.
Information for Professional Advisors
Legal Name: Heifer Foundation
Tax ID Number: 71-0699939
Incorporated in: Little Rock, AR
Legal Name: Heifer International
Tax ID Number: 35-1019477
Incorporated in: Little Rock, AR
Partner with Us
We understand that gifts to charities such as Heifer Foundation can be an important part of your clients’ overall financial and estate plans. That is why we are committed to working with you to ensure that your clients find the charitable arrangements that best meet their needs. We believe that charitable planning is a process that ideally involves the donor, professional advisors, and our gift planning staff — all working together to arrange the best gift possible.
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