You can support Heifer Foundation’s endowment in a variety of ways with a gift that has an impact now – or a gift that will create your legacy for years to come.
Easy Ways to Make a Lasting Impact

Gifts That Cost You Nothing Now

Gifts That Reduce Your Taxes

Gifts That Pay You An Income

Gifts That Make An Impact Now
Strategies for Giving
- Charitable Planning
- Updated Tax Code
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
- Charitable Gift Annuities
- QCDs and TOD Deeds
- Donor-Advised Funds
Charitable Planning & Giving Strategies
Meet Jim Daffin, CFP and hear about some of the ways you can make a difference with Heifer Foundation.
Updated Tax Code
How does the updated tax code affect your giving and what can you do to optimize your impact? Jim Daffin, CFP explores the answers to these questions.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
How is a Charitable Remainder Trust different from other trusts and is this a good option for you? Jim Daffin, CFP explains how this kind of trust works and when it can make sense to establish one.
Charitable Gift Annuities
Did you know you can make a gift that also pays you income for life? See what Jim Daffin, CFP has to say about Charitable Gift Annuities and whether this might be a good option for you.
Qualified Charitable Distributions and TOD Deeds
Are you 73 or older and need to take a required minimum distribution (RMD) on your IRA? Learn about how a Charitable IRA Rollover can satisfy your RMD and save on your taxes. In this video, Jim Daffin, CFP also explains how a Transfer on Death Deed works to benefit you and Heifer.
Donor-Advised Funds
What is a Donor-Advised fund and how is it beneficial to you? Learn more with Jim Daffin, CFP about how you can use this tax-savvy method of giving.
Let Us Recognize Your Generosity
Please let us know if you’ve already named Heifer Foundation or Heifer International in your plan. We would like to personally say thank you for your generosity and commitment.

Need assistance? I’m here to help!

Debbie McCullough
Vice President of Planned Giving
888-422-1161 x 4922